Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Computer Woes!

I am having computer issues today. Of course, this computer is like a dinosaur, so it is not exactly a surprise. Combine that with the fact that I have been asking for a new one for at least three years and you see my frustration. My husband, of course, has his work computer, so has little need or desire to spend more time on one when at home. Consequently, he does not see a new computer as much of a priority. I, on the other hand, whose primary conversation companion happens to be a two year old, see the computer as my link to the outside, adult world. I chat with the other mother's from Isabelle's play group; keep in touch with my friends across the country, and of course, shop. Needless to say at this time of year it might as well be attached to me physically. So, take note: All I want for Christmas is a new computer!

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